About the Washington Reporter

The Washington Reporter was founded by Garrett Ventry, Brian Colas, and Editor-in-Chief Matthew Foldi to provide right-of-center news and commentary to a D.C. audience.

Our goal is to be insightful, useful, and help Hill staff succeed--all while being happy warriors and not taking ourselves seriously. We rely on our day jobs as political operatives and government affairs professionals to find content that can serve our readers.

If you have tips and scoops, send them our way. We cover stories pushed by interested parties–including lobbyists or operatives with clients–as long as the content is true, fair, and insightful.

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The intersection of policy and politics, with valuable insights straight from Hill staff and D.C. insiders.


Insightful, useful, and here to help Hill staff succeed.
Co-Founder of The Washington Reporter
Editor-in-Chief of the Washington Reporter