Democrat’s record of opposing deportation for a teenager who impregnated his sister could jeopardize his candidacy
Alicia Rinaldi, who worked as a a counselor with sexually abused and battered women, said at the time that calling the crime an instance of “sexual experimentation minimizes what happened…There was a pregnancy because of it, a conception of a child, and an abortion. This is what could not be classified as children experimenting with their sexuality.”
Despite the heinous nature of the crime, “Marlinga said he wanted to prevent having a deportation split up the family and further traumatize a confused girl,” the Detroit Free Press reported at the time.
Marlinga is facing Rep. John James (R., Mich.), who was praised by Dan Conston, the head of the Congressional Leadership Fund super PAC, in an interview with the Washington Reporter; James defeated Marlinga in 2022.